JPEG Saver 4.2.1


This is the minor update I mentioned last week - apart from a small bugfix in the clock item dialog and two new transitions called "Dotty" and "Spot Wipe" (Yes, I know it sounds like a cleaning product. Thinking of good names for things is not my strong point - JPEG Saver doesn't save JPEGs either.) the main difference in this version is where the screen saver is installed on 64-bit systems.

Up to now, JPEG Saver has suggested installing into the Windows/System32 folder - you could always change the install folder to somewhere else, but this is where the Control Panel Display Properties looks for screen savers to display in the drop-down box. On a 64-bit Windows installation, the System32 folder is for 64-bit executables, and 32-bit versions go into SysWOW64. The operating system will actually redirect any 32-bit files copied into System32 into the SysWOW64 folder.

This is where things went a bit wrong. 64-bit Windows 7's Control Panel looks in SysWOW64 for screen savers, but 64-bit Vista's doesn't. Luckily, all versions of Windows also look in the main Windows folder, so the new installer will use that folder when it detects a 64-bit operating system. The updated installer is available from the downloads page.

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