SVGGraph 2.19.1


Version 2.19.1 of SVGGraph is a quick bugfix release, fixing one clear bug, some behaviour that was a bit inconsistent, and adding in a new callback option that should really have been there before.

The bugfix is to the stacked and grouped bar graph. Depending on the values in the graph it could calculate the height of the bars incorrectly, meaning that the automatic axis scale selection would chop off the tops of some bars. This version fixes that calculation error.

The inconsistent behaviour was in the structured_data option, which can best be described by a table:

When is structured data enabled?

 structure not set structure present
structured_data not setoffon
structured_data = TRUEonon
structured_data = FALSEoffoff

This should all make sense - if structured_data is set to TRUE, structured data will be used, if it is set to FALSE, structured data will not be used. In earlier versions, setting structured_data to FALSE would be the same as not setting it at all, so structured data would be used if the structure option was set, and not used if it was omitted.

Finally, the new option is bar_total_callback, allowing you to use a callback function for the text of the bar total labels. The function takes two arguments, the key (x-axis value) and the calculated total. Your function should return a string to display in the label.

The new version is available from the downloads page, and on GitHub, etc.

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